During PRIDE month, Moving to Our Center (MTOC) will bring this remarkable film to our community for a special screening. Transkids delves into the personal lives of four teens in transition, illuminating their internal struggles and complex family dynamics. Following the screening, a “talkback” will include local voices who will share their own experiences and encourage audience engagement and conversation.
•Program brought to you in partnership with the JCC Denver•
Evening Schedule
Film: 6:30-8:10
Talkback/Discussion: 8:15-8:50
Snack concessions will be available with drinks provided.
Note: This film contains mature content and some graphic images. Not recommended for young children.
Two options for tickets:
RSVP for a free ticket for those unable to purchase a ticket; please provide an email address for our guest list.
All other tickets include a suggested donation of $18 / ticket, or $36 for a sponsor ticket. We appreciate your support!